Experience personalized instruction and training plans with private training sessions. Whether you're dealing with problem areas or simply want a more specialized approach, private sessions are tailor-made to meet your needs. Private training sessions are held in my training yard in Roberta, (Crawford County), or I can come to your house or a public park.​
On Site Sessions
45 minute session $35 (normally $80)
Off Site Sessions
(within 15 miles of the On Cue Training Yard)
45 minute training session - $40 (normally $90)​
Off Site Sessions
(within 30 miles of the On Cue Training Yard)
45 minute training session - $50 (Normally $100)​
Started Jan 27
160 US dollarsStarted Jan 25
160 US dollars1 hr 15 min
55 US dollars45 min
50 US dollars45 min
40 US dollars45 min
40 US dollars
To book your Session, fill out and submit both of the forms below and I will contact you to set up your appointment. I am looking forward to working with you and your dog! - Nicole​